This is the written form of the video on youtube Ovarian follicles during oogenesis . Watch the video for better understanding. click here
1. on the over wall the germinal epithelial cells develop into oogonium cells by mitotic cell division. It occurs before the birth of the female.
2. In puberty the oogonium develops into oocyte that is primary oocyte which gets surrounded by follicular cells in the ovary at first it gets surrounded by single layer of follicular cells . at this stage it is called primordial follicle .
3. now more layers of follicular cells develop surrounding the oocyte .These developing follicles are called growing follicle.
4. Now the follicular cells form an antrum or cavity in between the cells and with this antrum the follicle is called the antral follicle.
5. the antral follicle develops into the most mature follicle that is Graafian follicle.
6. the Graafian follicle after maturation raptures and releases the ovum into the fallopian tube. This follicle is called ruptured follicle.
7. After rupturing the follicular cells without the oocyte forms Corpus luteum.
8. Corpus luteum eventually eventually degrades and form Corpus albicans.
now let us look into the follicles in detail:
1. primordial follicle:
in primordial follicle the primary oocyte is at the centre and follicular cells surround the oocyte with a single layer .
2. Growing follicle:
In growing follicle the oocyte remains at the centre and the follicular cells Surround the oocyte with more than one layer .
● Corona radiata :
The first layer of follicular cell surrounding the oocyte is called Corona radiata as its radius towards the oocyte.
● Zona pellucida :
Zone between oocyte and Corona radiata is called zona pellucida.
3. Antral follicle:
in antral follicle the the follicular cells surrounding the oocyte forms a cavity in between the follicular cells.This antrum or cavity is filled with some fluid and with this antrum the follicle is called antral follicle.
4.Graafian follicle :
The next developed follicle is Graafian follicle which is the most developed follicle. In this follicle the oocyte remains at the centre follicular cells surrounding the oocyte. Antrum increases with more liquid in it. It has blood capillaries surrounding the follicle. The external layer where the capillaries are present is called the theca externa.
● Cumulus oophorus :
The cumulus oophorus is a cluster of cell (called cumulus cells) that surround the oocyte both in the ovarian follicle and after ovulation. The innermost layer of these cells is the corona radiata.
(This is the written form of the video on youtube ovarian follicle during oogenesis Watch the video for better understanding. click here)
[ I believe in visualisation of concepts. The video, the writing and the pictures are for clear understanding and clear visualisation in mind about the concept.
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